
Diablo 3 eternal collection review xbox one
Diablo 3 eternal collection review xbox one

diablo 3 eternal collection review xbox one

A lengthy tale featuring many tense moments and startling revelations. Act V tells a story that fires on all cylinders with that classic cinematic Blizzard feel. Action that is fast-paced and reliant on a heady mix of skills and items, activities that reward players for just about everything whilst offering new challenges and even greater reward if they choose to try their hand at a higher difficulty level or Greater Rift.Ī rich, character-driven story set across five distinct Acts thematically rich in detail with character design, animation, sound design, and music that still holds up today. A game that has transformed from a flawed gem in its initial incarnation to become the perfect blend of demon-slaying dungeon crawler and Superhero-creator.

diablo 3 eternal collection review xbox one

And if you fit inside the Venn Diagram of Nintendo Switch owner and Blizzard fan who loves the franchise – well, it goes without saying that getting to play Diablo III on-the-go makes just about any waiting, traveling, or even evening sitting on the couch while someone else is watching the latest season of Blind Detective Fights Crime Marvel and Netflix Style – go by in a blur.Īnd with good reason, because now six years after its initial debut Diablo III has become a thing of beauty – with this being the best version of Diablo III yet.

diablo 3 eternal collection review xbox one

Diablo III on the Switch is excellent, through and through. An excellent port of a polished and fun action-RPG that finally brings Blizzard’s iconic series, and the genre, to a handheld in a way that feels essential.

Diablo 3 eternal collection review xbox one